About GalwayTV.org

It was the early 2010's and something was a'brewing at Galway High. This tiny school in the middle of nowhere, barely 100 kids in any given graduating class, had something special. Closed. Circuit. Television. Not just any closed circuit television, STUDENT-RUN closed-circuit television. Now, many of you today are looking at that like "How could they trust a bunch of high schoolers to run a television station with minimal supervision and not have it devolve into random in-jokes, memes, and bad gifs?

Well, they couldn't. And they probably shouldn't have. This website serves as a testament to the tom-foolery, the hijinks, and dare I say...shennanigans that we got up to. This barely functioning mish-mash of garbage some would call a website was actually shown on televisions across the school. Every day. For all high school students, faculty, and teachers to see before the live morning announcements. Now THAT part of the program was where the real magic was. Instead of boring old PA announcements, letting students get in front of a camera and produce a mini-newscast? Complete with commercials, PSAs, sports info, etc? Genius! That put many kids (myself included) on the track of the careers they have today. While it's easy to say we had too much freedom for an academic environment, it was precisely that freedom that allowed our skills and knowledge to flourish. Turns out when you're not allowed to rebuild the audio system every week (you know who you are), your troubleshooting skills don't grow as quickly. And boy did we get good at jerry-rigging some crazy stuff together to get things on the air, but even today we're still using those skills productively in the workforce.

Everything else though? Well, based on the amounts of 4chan jokes put here by freshman, we might've had a little too much freedom at times for high school but BOY it was fun back in the day! Looking at this page is a direct shot of nostalgia of what we were able to do, the fun we had, and the friends we made. That's why I've chosen to revive this project and keep this going. It's been over a decade since we started back in GTV, and the students after us have adapted and done so much to keep the club going in new and more challenging environments. Hopefully they get a chuckle out of this!

Keep the spirit alive. Keep making cool stuff. We're all cheering you on!

-GTV Alumni of the early 2010's